P Cards For Business. White paper - Building the Business Case for e-Procurement / ROI. In the UK, purchasing cards are usually referred to as procurement cards.
Massive growth in Corporate Card Market will touch a new ... (Carolyn Young) Purchasing cards, commonly called p-cards for short, are a special type of bankcard that uses existing credit card systems and processes to enable companies to make electronic business-to-business payments for goods and services procured. They're hard to control, open to fraud At this point, it pays to point out exactly why purchasing cards are such a benefit to most businesses. Any questionable purchase should be reviewed in advance by your CPC Business Office liaison or the procurement card administrator.
P-Card for an Individual Cardholder or Department Cardholder If a departmental cardholder is chosen, a responsible party must be designated.
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Everything You Need To Know About Purchasing Cards
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What is a p-card? - Bento for Business
White paper - Building the Business Case for e-Procurement / ROI. P-Cards can create a more efficient way to conduct transactions. Free for commercial use High Quality Images.
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