0 Cards Chain Of Memories. Automatically reloads cards when they run out. While Enemy Cards require CP like playing cards, they are kept in a separate part of Sora and Riku's decks.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories [Riku] - Lexaeus ... (Timothy Walsh) CHAIN OF MEMORIES Complete Master - Obtained all trophies. They appear throughout the game, and can be used in multiple different ways. The best techniques to use against him is blitz, and sonic blade.
Getting all the enemy cards can be extremely grindy and take countless hours if you're unlucky.
Remember to come back to check for more great content for Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
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Chain of Memories Cards by TrifinityCosplay on DeviantArt
Some map cards can be used to increase your chances of getting these cards. the neoshadow card is awsome! once u use it the life of other enemies drops. This is a battle where the best defense is a good offense, hit Cloud with what you have. Go To Topic Listing KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories.
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